Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Volumetric Drawing Skills Projects (1)

Sketching an Everyday Object: Basics of Cube & Perspective Drawing
through shaving dimensions of a 'box' (cuboids/cubes)
Image result for drawing a cube to estimate a shape
Example of this art technique

For this sketching project I chose to draw a standard blender, as I wanted to explore vertical dimensions and sketch realistically; being a skill I aim to develop in this DT course. I started with basic shapes - I drew a cuboid around the blender to get an estimate of its dimensions, and perspectives (shown on the right) and then shaved away at the outlines of the cube to create an outline of my blender. I drew the initial cube in 2 point perspective, according to the angle that the blender was angled at. The right image represents the starting of the sketch; a simple cube (in my case, a cuboid).
I then added details and buttons to the blender and outlined it in pen (using the technique of 'spider lines').

Sketching an Everyday Object: Basics of Sphere Drawing
For this sketching activity I drew a glass jar to practice drawing cylinders. This sketch came from a still object in front of me, instead of a picture (like the sketch of the blender above).
I started this sketch with a simple cylinder and then started to add details and refine the sketch. I personally think that my proportions are slightly off in this sketch, maybe due to the inaccuracy of dimensions, so and so forth.
Basic foundations of cylinder
From the basic sketch of the cylinder I added the glass details of the jar and tried to make it appear more volumetric. My sketch may not have appeared as accurate because my top and bottom ellipses [of the cylinder] may not have been as accurate.

Tough Mudder Water Bottle Project: Concept Designsdesigning a water bottle for a thrilling, vigorous and intense run
Water Bottle Concept Designs

This recent design project is focused on creating/designing a bottle that encompasses the brand of the run (Tough Mudder) and ergonomic functions that will be useful to the target consumer; which in this case are runners and athletes who are participants of the run. 

I have designed 5 different bottles that are initial concepts that I am likely to develop further with materials and other aspects that has to be considered for the bottle design. The designs were started through simple cylindrical drawing, similar to the project above. The art techniques I added consisted of spider lines and adding magic markers to highlight and lift things off the page, making my design more eye-catching and interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Adrianna - lovely drawing skills! It would have been good to also talk about the spheres at the start of the course. Are there any more photos from this part?


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