Thursday, May 16, 2019

5.3: Strategies for Innovation

Strategies for Innovation
Essential Idea: Innovation should always occur in context and a deep understanding of the culture as well as the behaviors, needs, and wants of the customers.

Act of Insight
An act of insight refers to a sudden insight or revelation, which suggests a solution, or the means of achieving a solution.

  • Often referred to as the “eureka moment”, a sudden image of a potential solution is formed in the mind, usually after a period of thinking about a problem
  • Examples include: Newton watching an apple fall and gaining insight in gravitation forces or DaVinci inventing a crane after watching workers trying to lift heavy stone from a boat.

Taking a technology, concept or system from one application and then applying to a new product is described as adaptation. Adapting or changing the application is common in design and is found in a number of high profile examples.

An existing technology or solution to a problem in one field is used to provide for a new idea for a solution in the other. 

Taking the idea from one context to another, and applying its characteristics into product design. [an idea from one context is used to stimulate ideas for solving a problem in another context].

Sonars were modelled on how bats navigate.
Chance is defined to be an unexpected discovery that leads to a new idea. For example, Velcro was developed when a chap walking with his dog found lots os seed pods stuck to his socks and dog. He looked under the microscope and made his discovery of the pods having many little hooks.

Velcro Close Up

Technology Transfer
Transfer is where a technology, manufacturing process, or material is transferred to another field to provide the basis for an invention. Earlier we saw how laser technology, originally thought to have few practical uses, was transferred to a variety of different applications including surgery, welding and cutting metal, bar-code readers, and audio CDs.

Transfer is where a technology, manufacturing process or material is transferred to another field to provide the basis for an invention.

Market Pull
When the market influences product design - designers often produce ideas for products in response to market forces. This is also called consumer pull. Market influences include a demand from consumers for a new product, or a competitor releasing a new product that impacts an organization's market share, thus the need for a response. 

Technology Push
Scientific research leads to advances in technology that underpin new ideas
Image result for technology push innovation
Products may be re-designed because of the changes in materials, technology, or manufacturing methods. This is called technology push. Manufacturers will push their new product to market hoping that consumers will want to adapt the new technology.

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